If you have any inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact me.

How is the service fee determined?
The fee varies based on the project's scope, requirements, and the technologies used. The base plan starts at ¥300,000, but a specific estimate will be provided after I have the details of your project.
Do you offer post-development support?
Yes, I provide post-development support with maintenance plans. The basic maintenance fee is ¥20,000 per month.
What technologies do you use?
I utilize a variety of technologies, primarily including HTML, CSS/SASS, Astro, JavaScript, Next.js, Nuxt.js, Python, and Django. For content management systems (CMS), I use MicroCMS, Newt, and WordPress.
What design tools do you use?
For design, I use the Figma platform along with Adobe's toolset, which includes Photoshop and Illustrator.
What is the estimated delivery time?
The delivery time depends on the project's size and requirements, but for the base plan, I typically estimate a delivery time of 4 to 6 weeks.
What happens if there are changes in requirements during the project?
If there are changes in requirements during the project, there may be additional charges. I will explain the changes and their impact and provide a new estimate accordingly.
Do you provide content creation services?
Yes, I offer content creation services. The base fee for content creation starts at ¥30,000.